 | 姓名:曾建勳(Tseng, Jason C-H) |
職稱:副教授兼國際專修部生活與就業輔導組組長 |
學歷:澳洲伯斯科廷大學電機工程博士 |
信箱:jct@stust.edu.tw |
辦公室分機:3323 |
辦公室:B100 |
專長:人工智慧、類神經網路、嵌入式與人工智慧物聯網開發、物理系統模擬、小波轉換、最佳化處理 |
1. C. H. Tseng, “Analytical modeling of laminated composite plates using Kirchhoff circuit and wave digital filters”, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, Vol. 16, pp. 2213-2252, 2020. doi: 10.3934/jimo.2019051 (SCI, IF: 1.411, Quartile: Q3 Applied Mathematics, 2023)
2. C. H. Tseng, “Static bending deflection and free vibration analysis of moderate thick symmetric laminated plates using multidimensional wave digital filters”, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 106, pp. 367-394, 2018 (SCI, IF: 8.934, Quartile: Q1 Aerospace Engineering, 2023)
3. K. Su, T. Kaewwichit, C. H. Tseng, C. C. Chang, “Automatic footprint detection approach for the calculation of arch index and plantar pressure in a flat rubber pad,” Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 75, 9757-9774, 2016. doi:10.1007/s11042-015-2796-x (SCI, IF: 2.577, Quartile: Q1 Media Technology, 2023)
4. C. H. Tseng, “An optimal modeling of multidimensional wave digital filtering network for free vibration analysis of symmetrically laminated composite FSDT plates,” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 52, pp. 465-494, 2015 (SCI, IF: 8.934, Quartile: Q1 Aerospace Engineering, 2023)
5. T. Kaewwichit, C. H. Tseng, and C. C. Chang, “An evaluation of the center of pressure by the multi-layers rubber mats using image-based rapid pressure measuring system,” KMUTNB: IJAST, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 1-6, 2014.
6. C. H. Tseng, “Analysis of parallel multidimensional wave digital filtering network on IBM cell broadband engine,” Journal of Computational Engineering, Volume 2014, 2014. Article ID 793635, 13 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/793635.
7. C. H. Tseng, “Numerical stability verification of a two-dimensional time-dependent nonlinear shallow water system using multidimensional wave digital filtering network,” Springer- Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp.299-319, 2013. (SCI, IF: 2.3, Quartile: Q2 Applied Mathematics, 2022)
8. C. H. Tseng, “Applications of a nonlinear optimization solver and two-stage comprehensive denoising techniques for optimum underwater wideband sonar echolocation system,” AIMS - Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 205-225, 2013. (SCI, IF: 1.411, Quartile: Q3 Applied Mathematics, 2023)
9. C. H. Tseng, “Modelling and visualization of a time-dependent shallow water system using nonlinear Kirchhoff circuit,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Regular papers, Vol. 59, No. 6, pp. 1265-1277, 2012. (SCI, IF: 4.14, Quartile: Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2023)
10. C. H. Tseng, “Performance evaluation of an ANC-based hybrid algorithm for multi-target wideband active sonar echolocation system,” World Academy of Science Journal, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 69, pp. 417-423, 2010. (SCI, IF: 1.51, Quartile: Q3 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology, 2022)
11. C. H. Tseng, Nguyen Dong-Thai Dao, and Chong-Ching Chang, “Modeling and visualizing seismic wave propagation in elastic medium using multi-dimension wave digital filtering approach,” World Academy of Science Journal, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 69, pp. 424-430, 2010. (SCI, IF: 1.51, Quartile: Q3 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology, 2022)
12. C. H. Tseng and Stuart Lawson, “Initial and boundary conditions in multidimensional wave digital filter algorithms for plate vibration,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Regular papers, Vol. 51, No. 8, pp. 1648-1663, 2004. (SCI, IF: 4.14, Quartile: Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2023)
13. C. H. Tseng, K. L. Teo, and A. Cantoni, “Mean square convergence of adaptive envelope - constrained filtering", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 50, No. 6, pp. 1429-1437, 2002. (SCI, IF: 4.875, Quartile: Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2023)
14. C. H. Tseng, Y. Liu, and K. L. Teo, “A unified quadratic semi-infinite programming approach to time and frequency domain constrained digital filter design,” Communications in Information and Systems, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 399-410, 2002 (SCI, IF: 0.9, 2022)
15. C. H. Tseng, K. L. Teo, A. Cantoni, and Z. Zang, “Envelope-constrained filters: adaptive algorithms, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 48, No. 6, pp. 1597-1608, 2000. (SCI, IF: 4.875, Quartile: Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2023)
16. C. H. Tseng, K. L. Teo, A. Cantoni and Z. Zang, “Design of robust envelope-constrained filter with orthonormal bases,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 48, No. 10, pp. 2881-2891, 2000. (SCI, IF: 4.875, Quartile: Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2023)
17. C. H. Tseng, K. L. Teo, A. Cantoni, and Z. Zang, “Gradient flow approach to discrete-time envelope-constrained filter design via orthonormal filters,” IEE Proceedings-Vision Image and Signal Processing, Vol. 147, No. 1, pp. 79-88, 2000. (SCI, IF: 0.561, N/M: 165/243, 2012)
18. C. H. Tseng, K. L. Teo, Z. Zang and A. Cantoni, “A dual approach to continuous-time envelope-constrained filter design via orthonormal filters,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, Vol. 46, No. 9, pp. 1042-1054, 1999. (SCI, IF: 4.14, Quartile: Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2023)
1. Tzu-Hsuan
Huang, Chong-Ching Chang, Chien-Hsun Tseng, and Ke-Han Sua, “Design of a
WiFi-based Wireless Portable Image Plantar Pressure Measurement System,” 2014
National Symposium on System Science and Engineering (NSSSE2014), pp. 770-775,
National Quemoy University, Kinmen, 2014.
2. T.
Kaewwichit, C. H. Tseng, and C. C. Chang, “An evaluation of the center
of pressure by using image-base measuring system,” KMUTNB: IJAST, Vol.7,
No.2, pp. 47-52, 2014.
3. C. H.
Tseng, “A MDWDF network with active set
strategies for free vibration analysis of symmetrically laminated composite
plates,” The 9th International Conference on Optimization: Techniques and
Applications, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei,
4. C. H.
Tseng, “Numerical Stability Verification of
the Nonlinear Shallow Water System using Multidimensional Wave Digital
Filtering Network,” Proceedings of 2012 National Symposium on System Science
and Engineering, pp.451-455, National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung, 2012.
5. C. H.
Tseng, “An ANC-ANFIS and TM-DWeN hybrid
system for fetal electrocardiography signal recovery," The 19th National
Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Application, Vol. FP04, pp. P02231-P02236,
6. C. H.
Tseng, “Real-time wideband active sonar
echolocation simulator with MATLAB/GUI,” The 19th Conference on National
Defense Science and Technology, pp.85-94, Taiwan, 2010.
7. C. H.
Tseng, “Effective wideband acoustic sonar signal
detection based on adaptive neuro-fuzzy processor and optimal wavelet
transform,” The 17th National Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Application,
pp. 817-822, Kaohsiung, 2009.
8. C. H.
Tseng, and M. Cole, “Optimum multi-target
detection using an ANC neuro-fuzzy scheme and wideband replica correlator,”
IEEE ICASSP2009, pp. 1369-1372, Taipei, Taiwan, 2009.
9. S.
Cheng, C. H. Tseng, and M. Cole, “A novel FPGA implementation of a
wideband sonar system for target motion estimation,” IEEE 2008 International
Conference on ReConFigurable Computing and FPGA's, ReConFig08, Cancun, Mexico,
10. C. H.
Tseng, and M. Cole, “Towards smart-pixel-based
implementation of wideband active sonar echolocation system for multi-target
detection,” ICSPCS2008, Gold Coast, Australia, 2008.
11. C. H.
Tseng, B. J. Chen and C. C. Chang,
“Achieving full parallelism of membrane vibration system using MD retiming of
wave digital filters technique,” 第十五屆全國計算流體力學學術研討會, 國立高雄海洋科技大學, 2008.
12. C. H.
Tseng and M. Cole, “Adaptive neuro-fuzzy
inference systems for wideband signal recovery in a noise-limited environment,”
FUZZ-IEEE pp. 757-762, London, UK, 2007.
13. C. H.
Tseng and M. Cole, “A hybrid algorithm based
on neuron-fuzz and wavelet transforms for wideband sonar detection in a
reverberation-limited environment,” EUSIPCO, pp. 1750-1754, Poznan, Poland,
14. S.
Cheng, C. H. Tseng, and M. Cole, “An efficient and effective VLSI
architecture for a wavelet - based broadband sonar signal detection system,”
ICECS, pp. 593-596, Morocco, 2007.
15. C. H.
Tseng and Stuart Lawson, “Modeling of
high-order mechanical plate vibration systems by multidimensional wave digital
filters,” ISCAS, Vol. III, pp. 6002-6005, Kobe, Japan, 2005.
16. C. H.
Tseng, “Application of digital signal
processing and optimization techniques to the modelling of nonlinear fluid
dynamic systems,” TMS\&AMS Joint International Conference, Taichung,
Taiwan, December 2005.
17. C. H.
Tseng and Stuart Lawson, “Multidimensional
wave digital filtering approach for numerical integration of non-linear shallow
water equations,” ISCAS, pp. 213-216, Vancouver, Canada, 2004.
18. C. H.
Tseng and Stuart Lawson, “Full parallel
process for multidimensional wave digital filtering via multidimensional
retiming technique,” ISCAS, pp. 209-212, Vancouver, Canada, 2004.
19. C. H.
Tseng and Stuart Lawson, “Discrete modeling
of shallow water equations using the multidimensional wave digital filters,”
IEEE European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design (ECCTD), Poland, 2003.
20. C. H.
Tseng and Stuart Lawson, “Incorporating initial
and boundary conditions into the multidimensional wave digital filter,” ICASSP,
Vol. IV, pp. 3724-3727, Orlando, USA, 2002.
21. C. H.
Tseng and Stuart Lawson, “Modelling
mechanical plate vibration system using principles of multidimensional wave
digital filters,” the 5th IEEE NORDIC Signal Processing Symposium (NORSIG),
Norway, 2002.
22. C. H.
Tseng, K. L. Teo, and A. Cantoni, “Adaptive
envelope-constrained filter design,” IEEE International Symposium on Circuits
and Systems (ISCAS), Vol. IV, pp. 85-88, Geneva, Switzerland, 2000.
23. C. H.
Tseng, K. L. Teo, A. Cantoni and Z. Zang,
“Robust envelope-constrained filter design with Laguerre bases,” IEEE
International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP),
Vol. III, pp. 1153-1156, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, 1999.
24. C. H. Tseng, K. L. Teo, A. Cantoni, and Z. Zang, “Iterative
methods for optimal envelope - constrained filters design problem,”
International Conference on Optimization Techniques and Applications (ICOTA),
Vol. 1, pp. 534-541, Perth, Western Australia, 1998.
國科會/科技部計畫1. 基於多維度數位波濾波網路之聲波傳播系統的平行處理架構探討,主要主持人,國科會鼓勵技專校院從事實務型研究專案計畫(個別型),2024/08/01-2025/07/31.
2. 基於多維度數位波濾波網路之複合層壓板動態振動模擬與分析儀,主要主持人,科技部鼓勵技專校院從事實務型研究專案計畫(個別型),2021/08/01-2022/07/31.
3. 牙線棒自動拉力測試儀系統,主要主持人,科技部鼓勵技專校院從事實務型研究專案計畫(個別型),2020/08/01-2021/07/31.
4. Robust
modelling of physical systems using multidimensional wave digital filtering
techniques, 主要主持人,國科會,2009/08/01-2010/07/30.
5. Wavelet
transform for a broadband signal detection system-Part I: System model development,主要主持人,國科會,2004/08/01-2005/07/31.
6. Wavelet transform for a broadband signal
detection system-Part II: VLSI architecture for wavelet deconvolver,主要主持人,國科會,2005/08/01-2006/07/31.
產學計畫1. 基於數位網格與數位濾波器之場域聲波與地震波模擬器,主要主持人,政倫企業社,2023/09/01-2023/12/17.
2. 112學年度新南向產學合作國際專班第1年補助款-資訊工程系自動化與物聯網國際學生產學合作專班,共同主持人,教育部,2023/08/01-2024/07/31.
3. 112學年度新南向產學合作國際專班第1年補助款-資訊工程系資訊與自動化國際學生產學合作專班,共同主持人,教育部,2023/08/01-2024/07/31.
4. 111學年度新南向產學合作國際專班第2年補助款-資訊工程系資訊與自動化國際學生產學合作專班,共同主持人,教育部,2023/08/01-2024/07/31.
5. 110學年度新南向產學合作國際專班第3年補助款-資訊工程系資訊與自動化國際學生產學合作專班,共同主持人,教育部,2023/08/01-2024/07/31.
6. 109學年度新南向產學合作國際專班第4年補助款-資訊工程系資訊與自動化國際學生產學合作專班,共同主持人,教育部,2023/08/01-2024/07/31.
7. 109學年度新南向產學合作國際專班第3年補助款-資訊工程系資訊與自動化國際學生產學合作專班,主要主持人,教育部,2022/08/01-2023/07/31.
8. 人工智慧電廠系統控制優化設計,主要主持人,台朔重工股份有限公司,2022/08/30-2022/11/30.
9. 109學年度新南向產學合作國際專班第2年補助款-資訊工程系資訊與自動化國際學生產學合作專班,主要主持人,教育部,2021/08/01-2022/07/31.
107年產業人才投資方案-iOS App 程式開發與物聯網應用整合班第01期,主要主持人,勞動部雲嘉南分署,2018/09/06-2018/11/27.
Beacon資料解析與OTA更新系統開發,主要主持人,連虹股份有限公司,2017/07/19 -
Automatic modeling of multidimensional wave digital filtering
network using FPGA multi-core platforms, 主要主持人,華亨科技股份有限公司,2012/02/01-2012/11/30.
24. 以FPGA多核心平台實現多維波數位濾波網路之物理系統全自動模型化,主要主持人,心統科技公司,2012/02/01-2012/11/30.
專利1. 智慧割草機及其控制系統,曾建勳,台灣發明第I817727號,2023/10/01
- 2042/09/27.
2. 視障語音輔助系統及視障語音輔助方法,曾建勳,台灣發明第I809301號,2023/07/21 - 2040/08/20.
3. 車用智能之二階段安全控制系統,曾建勳,台灣發明第I785761號,2022/12/01 - 2041/08/05.
4. 牙線棒拉力檢測系統及其檢測方法,曾建勳,台灣發明第I711433號,2020/12/01
- 2039/10/01.
5. 四維度聲波傳播分析系統,曾建勳,台灣發明第I632544號,2018/08/11 - 2037/08/27.
6. 對稱複合層壓板之靜態彎曲撓度和自由振動分析系統及方法,曾建勳,台灣發明第I584133號,2017/05/21 - 2036/05/03.
7. 具平行處理架構之多維波數位濾波網路模型系統,曾建勳,台灣發明第I501149號,2015/09/21 - 2033/10/14.
8. 具彈性基礎之複合板材震動分析系統,曾建勳,台灣發明第I494783號,2015/08/01 - 30/3/2034/03/30.
9. 智慧信箱,曾建勳,台灣新型第M480958號,2014/07/01 - 2024/02/25.
10. 地震波模擬器之建模方法,曾建勳,台灣發明申請號112143374.
1. Thossapron
Kaewwichit, On the Design of Image-based Plantar Pressure Measurement Systems,
2019. (co-supervision with Prof. Chong-Ching Chang at
the Graduate Institute of Mechatronic System Engineering, National
Tainan University)
2. Sheng Cheng, Novel
Implementation Technique for a Wavelet-Based Broadband Signal Detection System,
University of Warwick, 2010. (co-supervision with Prof. Marina Cole
at the School of Engineering, University of Warwick, UK)
1. James
Chun-Te Chang, The Dynamic Vibration
Analysis of Slamming Response Using Multidimensional Wave Digital Filtering
Technique, 2019. (co-supervision with
Prof. Wen-Shan Chen at the Department of Electronic Engineering, STUST)
2. Nguyen Dong Thai-Dao,
Modeling the Seismic Wave System by Using Multi-Dimensional Wave Digital
Filtering Approach, NTU, 2010. (co-supervision with Prof. Chong-Ching Chang at the Graduate Institute of Mechatronic
System Engineering, NTU)
3. Bo Jen
Chen, On the Simulation of Physical Systems Using Multidimensional Retiming and
Wave Digital Filtering Techniques, STUST, 2006.
4. Sheng
Kai Tseng, Implementation of ODE Simulator
Using FPGA, STUST, 2006.
5. Hung Yen Chen, DSP Hardware Implementation of
ODE Based on the Multidimensional Wave Digital Filtering Network, STUST, 2006.
得獎紀錄1. 2023台灣創新技術博覽會(原台北國際發明暨技術交易展)發明競賽
2. 2021台灣創新技術博覽會(原台北國際發明暨技術交易展)發明競賽
3. 曾建勳,“Effective wideband acoustic sonar signal detection based on
adaptive neuro-fuzzy processor and optimal wavelet transform,”最佳論文獎,第17th模糊理論與應用研討會,高雄,2009.
其他項目1. 曾建勳與蔣元隆
著, FPGA數位積體電路設計實務:使用Verilog HDL與Xilinx ISE, 滄海出版有限公司 2012年6月初版, ISBN 978-986-6184-85-7 (平裝298頁)