




1.      Chao, C.-T.; Sutarna, N.; Chiou, J.-S.; Wang, C.-J (June 2017). Equivalence between Fuzzy PID Controllers and Conventional PID Controllers. Appl. Sci. 2017, 7, 513. (SCI Journal, IF:1.726, Rank:64/145, Q2, by 2015 JCR)(ISSN: 2076-3417)


1.      Chun-Tang Chao , Ming-Tang Liu , Juing-Shian Chiou* , Yi-Jung Huang , Chi-Jo Wang (2016, August). A GSA-Based Adaptive Fuzzy PID-Controller for an Active Suspension System. Engineering Computations, Vol.33, Iss: 6, pp.1659 - 1667.(SCI Journal, IF:1.495 , Rank:21/85 Q1 by 2014 JCR)(ISSN: 0264-4401 ).

2.      I-Hao Hsiao, Chun-Tang Chao*, and Chi-Jo Wang (2016). A HHT-Based Music Synthesizer. Intelligent Technologies and Engineering Systems, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (LNEE), Vol.345, pp.523-528. (EI Journal, ISBN: 978-3-319-17313-9).


1.      Chun-Tang Chao, Chia-Wei Wang, Juing-Shian Chiou* and Chi-Jo Wang (2015, August). An Arduino-Based Resonant Cradle Design with Infant Cries Recognition. Sensors, Vol.15, No.8, pp.18934-18949. (SCI Journal, IF:2.245, Rank:10/56, Q1, 5-Year Impact Factor: 2.474, by 2014 JCR)(ISSN: 1424-8220).

2.      Chun-Tang Chao, Ming-Hsuan Chung, Juing-Shian Chiou* and Chi-Jo Wang (25 March 2016). A Simple Interface for 3D Position Estimation of a Mobile Robot with Single Camera. Sensors, Vol.16, No.4, 435(pp.1- pp.12). (SCI Journal, IF:2.245, Rank:10/56 by 2014 JCR)(ISSN: 1424-8220).


1.      Chun-Tang Chao, Nopadon Maneetien*, Chi-Jo Wang, Juing-Shian Chiou (2014, Mar). Performance Evaluation of Heart Sound Cancellation in FPGA Hardware Implementation for Electronic Stethoscope. The Scientific World Journal, Vol.2014, ArticleID.587238, 7 pages. (SCI Journal) (IF:1.73, Rank:13/56, Q1, by 2012 JCR) (IF: 1.219, Rank:16/55, Q2, by 2013 JCR) (ISSN:1537-744X).

2.      Nguyen Thi-Hoai Nam, Chun-Tang Chao*, Chi-Jo Wang, Cheng-Ting Hsu (2014, Apr). Harmonic Reduction Solution by Applying On-Line Trained Adaptive Neural Controller for Shunt Active Filter. Intelligent Technologies and Engineering Systems, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (LNEE), Vol.293, pp.1181-1189. (EI Journal, ISBN: 978-3-319-04572-6).

3.      趙春棠*、王啟州201403月)。多用戶無線聽診系統及教學之創意設計 (The Innovative Design of Multiuser and Wireless Auscultation System and Teaching)南臺學報Vol.39, No.1, pp.51-62(ISSN: 1814-5426)


1.      Chun-Tang Chao*, Kuo-An Li, and Nopadon Maneetien (2013, Jul). The Wireless Electric Guitar with Digitally Integrated Effector. Intelligent Technologies and Engineering Systems, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (LNEE), Vol.234, pp.633-641. (EI Journal, ISBN: 978-1-4614-6746-5).

2.      Chun-Tang Chao , Tsung Lin Fan-Chiang, Chwen Chyn*, Chi Jo Wang (2011, Mar). Analysis of Vibration in Shaft-Disk-Blades Systems Due to Power Faults Using a Finite Element Method. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol.34, No.2, pp.253-264. (SCI Journal, IF:0.209, Rank:81/87, Q4)(ISSN: 0253-3839)




1.      Manjunatha Gangareddy, Chun-Tang Chao*, Chi-Jo Wang, and Juing-Shian Chiou (2017, Oct 19-20). The CAN Protocol Based Prototype Design for Vehicle Control System. 2017 International Symposium on Novel and Sustainable Technology (2017 ISNST), pp. B-56~B57, N0. B-P-25, October 19-20, 2017, Tainan, Taiwan. (ISBN: 978-986-5627-34-8)

2.      Chun-Tang Chao, Meng-Chiao Huang, Chi-Jo Wang, Ming-Yuan Shieh, Ding-Horng Chen, Jing Liu and Juing-Shian Chiou* (2017,Oct 8-12). Path Planning for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle in Multi-Floor Indoor EnvironmentFloor via Deep Learning. 2017 International Conference on Science, Engineering, Vocational Education and Novelty (2017 IC-SEVEN), October 8-12, 2017, Guilin, China. [本文榮獲學術研究一等獎 (First Class Conference Paper Award)]

3.      Yuan-Chih Yang, Chun-Tang Chao, Juing-Shian Chiou*, and Jing Liu (2017,Oct 8-12). A Prototype Design For Industrial Circulating Cooling Water System. 2017 International Conference on Science, Engineering, Vocational Education and Novelty (2017 IC-SEVEN), October 8-12, 2017, Guilin,Guangxi, China.


1.      Nana Sutarna, Chun-Tang Chao*, Chi-Jo Wang, and Juing-Shian Chiou (2016, Oct 6-7). Equivalence Between Fuzzy PID Controllers and Conventional PID Controllers. 2016 International Symposium On Novel And Sustainable Technology (2016 ISNST), pp. C-06, N0. C-O-007, Oct 6-7, 2016, Tainan, Taiwan.


1.      Chun-Tang Chao, Ming-Tang Liu, Juing-Shian Chiou* and Chi-Jo Wang (2016, May 28- Jun 1). Applications of Adaptive Cuckoo Search Algorithm for Improving FuzzyPID Control Systems. The 2016 International Conference on Applied System Innovation (IEEE ICASI 2016), N0. 0509, May 28- Jun 1, 2016, Okinawa, Japan.

2.      柯正盛、趙春棠*、王啟州、邱俊賢 (20160527())。應用頻譜刪減法於心音消除 (Application of Spectral Subtraction Method on Heart Sound Cancellation)2016 電子,信號,與通訊創新科技研討會, pp.91。台灣高雄市。國立高雄應用科技大學建工校區。( ISBN: 978-986-378-082-3) [本文榮獲大會 優良論文獎]


1.      Chun-Tang Chao, Ming-Hsuan Chung, Chi-Jo Wang and Juing-Shian Chiou* (2015, May 22-27). Development of Visual Control Interface for Mobile Robot with Single Camera. The 2015 International Conference on Applied System Innovation (IEEE ICASI 2015), May 22-27, 2015, Osaka, Japan.

2.      I-Hao Hsiao, Chun-Tang Chao*, Chi-Jo Wang (2014, Dec 19-21). A HHT Based Music Synthesizer. The 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Technologies and Engineering Systems (ICITES 2014), Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (ISSN:18761100)

3.      鄭安智、趙春棠*、陳盛基(20150529())。基於Arduino之直流無刷馬達驅動控制 (An Arduino-Based BLDC Motor Control)2015 電子,信號,與通訊創新科技研討會。台灣高雄市。王昱凱、趙春棠*、邱俊賢、王啟州 (20150529())。以Arduino為基礎之嬰兒哭聲辨識 (An Arduino-Based Infant Cries Recognition System)2015 電子,信號,與通訊創新科技研討會。台灣高雄市。 [ 本文榮獲大會優良壁報論文獎]


1.      Nguyen Thi-Hoai Nam, Chun-Tang Chao*, Chi-Jo Wang, Cheng-Ting Hsu (2013, Dec 12-14). Harmonic Reduction Solution by Applying On-Line Trained Adaptive Neural Controller for Shunt Active Filter. The 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Technologies and Engineering Systems (ICITES 2013), Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

2.      趙春棠*、吳昂庭、范姜宗霖20140530()。共振式節能搖籃。第八屆智慧型系統工程應用研討會(ISC2014, 2014 the 8th Intelligent Systems Conference on Engineering Applications)。臺灣台南市。(ISBN 978-986-5928-14-8)

3.      趙春棠*、陳明駿、王嘉帷、范姜宗霖20140530日)Wi-Fi 影音手機遙控車。第八屆智慧型系統工程應用研討會(ISC2014, 2014 the 8th Intelligent Systems Conference on Engineering Applications)。臺灣台南市。(ISBN 978-986-5928-14-8)


1.      Chun-Tang Chao*, Kuo-An Li, and Nopadon Maneetien (2012, Dec 13-15). The Wireless Electric Guitar with Digitally Integrated Effector. The 1st International Conference on Intelligent Technologies and Engineering Systems (ICITES 2012), Changhua, Taiwan.

2.      C.T. Chao, N. Maneetien*, and C.J. Wang (2012, Jul 3-4). On the Construction of An Electronic Stethoscope with Real-time Heart Sound De-Noising Feature. 35th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP 2012), pp.521-524, Prauge, Czech Republic. (EI International Conference, IEEE 2012, ISBN 978-1-4673-1117-5)

3.      Nguyen Thi Hoai Nam, Chun-Tang Chao*, Chi-Jo Wang, Cheng-Ting Hsu (2013, Apr 24 (Wed.)). Application of ANFIS Controlled Shunt Active Filter for Harmonic Reduction (ANFIS 控制之並聯式主動濾波器於諧波改善之應用). 2013 National Workshop on Internet and Communication Technology (9屆全國網際網路暨通訊科技研討會,NWICT'13), Tamsui, Taipei, Taiwan. (ISBN 978-986-6765-38-4) 註:英文發表.




1.      106~107年度 多機四旋翼於多層樓室內之同步定位建圖及最佳路徑飛行控制-應用於室內協同運輸及登革熱的噴灑藥物防治,主持人:邱俊賢,共同主持人:趙春棠,MOST 103-2221-E-218-001,106/08/01108/07/31 計畫編號:MOST 106-2221-E-218 -001 -MY2


1.      具即時心音減弱功能的肺音電子聽診器之研發:原型建構,主持人:王啟州,共同主持人:趙春棠,MOST 103-2221-E-218-001, 2014/08/01~2015/07/31

2.      103年度科技部科學志工團隊服務計畫,103.10.20 ~ 104.06.30




1.      電動機車馬達設計、驅動與控制課程教學,主持人:陳盛基,共同主持人:趙春棠,合約編號:121060093106.02.01106.07.30


1.      超高效率感應馬達設計與能效分析,主持人:陳盛基,共同主持人:趙春棠,合約編號:121040261104.06.01104.10.30


1.      電磁路參數特性委託分析,主持人:趙春棠,共同主持人:陳盛基,合約編號:121030506103.11.17103.12.25




1.      中華民國專利證書 新型第M 512026 號。新型名稱:冰淇淋模型杯蓋,專利權人:南臺科技大學,新型創作人:趙春棠、趙彥博、魏子傑,專利權期間:自2016121日至20251012日止


1.      中華民國專利證書 新型第M 489577 號。新型名稱:共振式節能電動搖籃,專利權人:南臺科技大學,新型創作人:趙春棠、范姜宗霖、吳昂庭,專利權期間:自20141111日至2024821日止


1.      趙春棠,孟成彥,施美吉,楊承融,專利名稱:電吉他無線控制式數位整合效果器,專利類型:新型,公告號:M435022,專利權人:南臺科技大學,專利權期間:2012/08/01 - 2022/03/14


1.      趙春棠,蔡智倫,陳育致,王怡菱,專利名稱:小便斗遊樂器,專利類型:新型,公告號:M372363,公告日 2010/01/11,申請日 2009/07/15 ,申請號 098212915,公告日 2010/01/11,證書號 M372363



1.      FPGA建構具心音消除功能之電子聽診器,南台科技大學/電機工程系/102博士,研究生: 孟成彥,指導教授: 王啟州、趙春棠

2.      渦輪發電機構件之疲勞減輕策略,南台科技大學/電機工程系/99博士,研究生: 范姜宗霖,指導教授: 秦 純、趙春棠

3.      基於HOG演算法及SVM分類器之行人偵測技術,南臺科技大學/電機工程系/105/碩士,研究生: 鍾明軒,指導教授: 趙春棠

4.      基於Arduino之直流無刷馬達驅動控制,南臺科技大學/電機工程系/104/碩士,研究生: 鄭安智,指導教授: 趙春棠

5.      共振節能搖籃設計,南臺科技大學/電機工程系/104/碩士,研究生: 王嘉帷,指導教授: 趙春棠

6.      基於Arduino之嬰兒哭聲辨識系統,南臺科技大學/生物醫學工程研究所/103/碩士,研究生: 王昱凱,指導教授: 趙春棠

7.      共振式搖籃之設計與實現,南台科技大學/電機工程系/102/碩士,研究生: 吳昂庭,指導教授: 趙春棠

8.      WiFi 即時視訊傳輸之手機遙控車,南台科技大學/電機工程系/102/碩士,研究生: 陳明駿,指導教授: 趙春棠

9.      諧波改善之主動電力濾波器 - 應用模糊控制及線上學習類神經網路控制器,南台科技大學/電機工程系/101/碩士,研究生: 阮氏懷南,指導教授: 趙春棠

10. 無線電吉他及效果器之數位化整合,南台科技大學/電機工程系/101/碩士,研究生 :李國安,指導教授: 趙春棠




1.      作品「A Resonant Energy-Saving Cradle (共振節能搖籃)」(學生:王嘉帷、史珮蓁、郭巧容、黃鈺雅),參加 KIWIE 2015 (Korea International Women's Invention Exposition2015韓國婦女發明展), 榮獲 :
      Semi-Grand Prize (
      Special Prize (
特別獎): The BEST Women Invention, by FIRI (The FIRST Institute Inventors & Researchers in I.R.IRAN) (NATIRN-伊朗伊斯蘭共和國之FIRI機構,頒發 最佳婦女發明獎)


1.      指導學生(碩士生王嘉帷,大學部黃鈺雅、史佩蓁、郭巧容)作品「超節能共振搖藍」,參加103年度全國微電腦應用系統設計創作競賽,入圍決賽。作品「共振節能搖藍」參加「全國2015能源科技創意實作競賽」,入選決賽,獲8000元入選獎金;參加「2015 Panasonic 綠色生活創意設計大賽」,入圍決賽,榮獲佳作,獲獎金5000

2.      作品「Pattern Lid for Carving Ice Cream (冰淇淋雕刻盒蓋)」(發明人:Chao, Chun-Tang (趙春棠) Chao, Yen-Po (趙彥博) Wei, Tzu-Chieh (魏子傑)),參加 The 6th KOREA CYBER INTERNATIONAL GENIUS INVENTOR FAIR (CIGIF 20152015韓國網路國際發明競賽 ) 榮獲 Gold Medal(金牌獎) & Special Award (特別獎))