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Li, Jeng-Han

NameLi, Jeng-Han

TitleAssistant Professor

DegreeEngineering Ph.D. from National Cheng-Kung University




ResearchIntegration technologies of industry 4.0, intelligent robot, intelligent control, applications system of IoT

Engineering mathematics, introduction to industry 4.0, advanced robotics, Multimedia application, creative thinking



Journal articles


2015 school year

1.      黃炫冠、李政翰、呂志濠、劉能堯、林俞卲、王秀慧,從智慧自動化邁向生產力4.0,智慧自動化產業期刊,No. 14,2015.

2012 school year

1.      M.-Y. Shieh, C.-S. Chena, C.-H. Chuang, Y.-R. Liou, and J.-H. Li, “Gait detection based stable locomotion control system for biped robots,” Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 64, pp.1431-1440, 2012.


Conference papers

2017 school year

1.      李政翰、陳緯齊、范坤洵、黃資昂、古一志,智慧工作檯物聯網系統開發,第13屆智慧生活科技研討會,ILT 2018

2.      王明賢、李政翰、陳彥焙、賀益興,基於多頻道LiDAR感測器之全向無人搬運車避障導航系統開發,第13屆智慧生活科技研討會,ILT 2018

3.      Jeng-Han Li, Yi-Shing Ho, and Jia-Jie Huang,” Line Tracking with Pixy Cameras on a Wheeled Robot Prototype”, International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Taiwan, 2018 ICCE-TW.

4.      Jeng-Han Li, Yen-Pei Chen, Yi-Shing Ho, and Kun-Syun Fan,” The Development of the Ultrasonic Sensor Based Following Module with the Wireless Time Synchronization Protocol and Its Application on the Following Nursing Car Integration”, International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation, 2018.

2016 school year

1.      Jeng-Han Li, Ming-Yuan Shieh, Alican Metin, Wai Kee Chan, Tzu-Ang Huang, Kun-Xun Fan, and Yi-Zhi Gu,” Design of intelligent wheelchair robot with obstacle avoidance by using deep-sensing information”, 2017 GCEAS, Global Conference on Engineering and Applied Science.

2012 school year

1.     M.-Y. Shieh, C.-S. Chen, C.-H. Chuang, Y.-R. Liou, and J.-H. Li,” Gait detection based stable locomotion control system for biped robots,” Proceedings of International Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control, 2012.



MOST Projects

2016 school year

1.      Development of Intelligent Omni-Directional AGV Based Cyber Physical System and Its On-Site Implementation (1/3)


Academia and Industry Collaboration Projects

2017 school year

1.      Development project of intelligent carrying robot integration system

2.      Competition preparation project of 2018 Taiwan intelligent robot competition—Extreme sumo robot competition

3.      Industry-university cooperation project of intelligent carrying cyber-physical system integration system

2016 school year

1.      Competition preparation project of 2017 Taiwan intelligent robot competition—Extreme sumo robot competition


Graduated Master Theses

1.      Line Tracking and Object Recognition of Forklift Trucks by Using Pixy Cameras on a Wheel Robot Prototype



2017 school year

1.      第十三屆數位訊號處理創思設計競賽(佳作):基於陀螺棟近效應之雙足機器人平衡穩定器開發洪偉傑、蕭政毅、王柏文

2.      第十三屆數位訊號處理創思設計競賽(佳作):遠端影像傳送與控制機器人徐浩展、顏堃棟、許崴傑、邱祥傑

3.      第十三屆數位訊號處理創思設計競賽(佳作):基於多頻道LiDAR感測器之全像無人搬運車避障導航系統開發陳彥焙、賀益興、范坤洵

4.      2018臺灣智慧型機器人大賽:祥儀極限機器人相撲競賽(第一名)—莊林澤、黃家頡

5.      2018臺灣智慧型機器人大賽:祥儀極限機器人相撲競賽(第二名)—張新康、魏子傑、楊政諺

6.      2018臺灣智慧型機器人大賽:祥儀極限機器人相撲競賽(第三名)—邱祥傑、徐浩展

7.      2018臺灣智慧型機器人大賽:祥儀極限機器人相撲競賽(佳作)—顏堃棟、鄭揚民

8.      2018臺灣智慧型機器人大賽:祥儀極限機器人相撲競賽(佳作)—曾景宏、蕭政毅

9.      2018臺灣智慧型機器人大賽:祥儀極限機器人相撲競賽(佳作)—王柏文、賀益興

10. 2018臺灣智慧型機器人大賽:LEGO機器人相撲競賽(佳作)—王韋樺、許崴傑

2016 school year

1.      第十二屆數位訊號處理創思設計競賽(第三名):銀髮的專屬駕駛陳緯齊、范坤洵、黃資昂、古一志

2.      第十二屆數位訊號處理創思設計競賽(第三名):以數位訊號處理之全像輪自動避障無人搬運車蔡澤銘、洪瑞志

3.      第十二屆數位訊號處理創思設計競賽(第二名):具功率可調控之超音波清淨驅動系統楊宗翰、張殷瀚、林聖傑

4.      第十二屆數位訊號處理創思設計競賽(佳作):訊號控制與視力保護監測系統范坤洵、洪偉傑、張羽霖、林聯政

5.      第十二屆數位訊號處理創思設計競賽(佳作):整合無線充電功能之智慧型手提包陳偉誠、邱智揚、王凱威

6.      第十二屆數位訊號處理創思設計競賽(佳作):兼具高效率與光能調控技術之OLED照明系統黃祥禹、郭晉伸

7.      2017臺灣智慧型機器人大賽:LEGO機器人相撲競賽(大專高中職組) (第一名)—張羽霖、陳緯齊、范坤洵

8.      2017臺灣智慧型機器人大賽:人形機器人足球競賽(大專高中職組) (第二名)—陳緯齊、范坤洵、張羽霖

9.      2017臺灣智慧型機器人大賽:迷你LEGO機器人相撲競賽 (第三名)—林士哲、吳帝辳

10. 2017全國自走車競賽技機器人創意大賽:相撲機器人競賽(第四名)—洪偉傑、蕭政毅

11. 2017人工智慧經電電腦鼠暨機器人國內與國際賽:祥儀SUMO相撲機器人競賽大專組(第一名):陳緯齊、范坤洵

